About Us

Our Story
The Greater Peterborough Network
The Greater Peterborough Network is a not for profit organisation set up in 2015. It is owned and run by the GP Practices across Greater Peterborough to deliver evening and weekend access. Since set up we have expanded to meet the need of our patient population, GP Practices and local health and care system. Please see “Our Services” page, this is continuously updated as we find new services to improve patient care.
We Are
- A not for profit GP Federation owned and run by the shareholding member Practices.
- Governed by a board of elected GP Directors, with a Chief Executive Officer and Non-Executive Director.
- An ambitious at scale primary care organisation with a passion for integration and innovation.
We Do
- Enhanced evening and weekend access to General Practice.
- Deliver at scale services to improve the health and wellbeing of the populations we serve.
- Connecting General Practice with the wider health and care system, operating as a “network of networks” for our PCNs, representing member Practices at system and place level meetings.
- Recruitment, induction and support of workforce through a team dedicated to supporting Primary Care Networks and hosting of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Training Hub.
- To act as the foundation stone for our members – supporting them to deliver high quality health care.
- To attract innovation and investment into primary care.
- To be dynamic – always seeking out new opportunities for our practices and PCNs.
- To be the primary care provider at scale -supporting delivery of services at place level that benefits our patients and members.
- To engage our clinical community – identifying local clinical leaders to drive service redesign and delivery across our place.
- To face challenges head on, working collaboratively to deliver solutions.
- To be the primary care provider at scale.
- Delivering “end to end” pathways where there are opportunities or gaps in delivery, such as Spirometry and our local Urgent Community Response.
Friends and family feedback
What Our Patient's Say
"I always use the online service when I can't get hold of the GP."

Peterborough GP Hub
"The service was good, it was fast. Good communication."

Peterborough GP Hub
"Absolutely brilliant she was really good glad I had her to take bloods."

Peterborough GP Hub
"Thank you for calling me & checking up on me its nice knowing someone is out there."

HCA Home Visiting Service
"Excellent she was really good treated me right did everything she was supposed to."

Diabetes Home Visiting Service
"Fabulous people have difficulty taking blood but she had no problem."

HCA Home Visiting Service